Saturday, May 10, 2014

Outside Painting Challenge

Opus Art Supplies in BC stores sponsored an Outdoor Painting Challenge today, which got me off my, actually on my butt...and I painted for the first time in eons.  The challenge was to paint outdoors in a designated area between 10am and 3pm.  I started around 12:45, just in time for the pouring rain to begin.  So I found a great sheltered spot in Market Square, and "arted" away for a few hours.  

The place was almost barren except for one other painter who took my photo and a some guys playing sweet tunes on guitars.  Interestingly, a security guy came and made the musicians stop playing even though they were not busking for money.  The security guard left me alone in the middle of the courtyard. I guess watercolour paints don't have the acoustic effects of guitars; too bad since the music was so nice.

While most of the artists painted what they saw around the city, I went down a different path...for some reason I have been thinking about monsters down under...under the bed...  

The monsters I painted today were influenced by the graphics and illustrations of Elise Gravel.  But I am excited to transform and create more monster friends in the next while...words and paintings to come...